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A member registered Jan 17, 2017

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I don't care how mad mom and uncle get, I saved those familiars! xD

That's odd. I use firefox and have no issues. o.o

I might not get to romance him. But he's officially my best friend for the rest of our hybrid lives. In my mind at least. xD

I'm definitely interested. Can't wait to get my hands on my angel. xD

I see. Thx for the reply. I'm glad to hear from you, and I wish you the best in handling said complications. Until the time you are ready to update, I shall wait. =)

So...its been a while and we're past estimated release. Is this still going or dead? I hate to ask, but here I ask. ^^'

Holy crud, I was just mourning this wip. So glad to see an update. 😭

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If you haven't read it yet... definitely check out The Bastard of Camelot. Truly top tier.

Welp....the Prince now has me hook line and sinker. O.O<3

Nah, it's fine. I didn't say anything I'd take back. 😊👍

Hello and welcome! Excited for this great story to continue. =)

Uuuugh...I would do anything for both dark-less douchey and more douchey Lestrade. Loved this little side bit. <3

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Holy my mc might say. This is amazing. I really loved the setup, the world, the story... It reminds me of this book I read at school called "Below the Root" (1975) by Zilpha Keatley Snyder. It had a seemingly utopian world, with darker dystopian backstory and secrets. It was an amazing story and this had the same energy and creativity and thought to it. I also adored all the characters. My heart specially goes to Lion, Heron, and Robin. <3

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So excited for an update. I often reread this, so yay! I'm coming, Arthur my love. My MC and all their trauma. xD


Stay strong and take care of yourself.

Ah, it's ok. We're sad, but also glad that you informed us. Hope you feel better soon. <3

Ah. I see. It's hard when you've got the masked people vs the non-masked people. But knowing there is a route seperate depended on mask or no mask makes more sense. Thank you. ^^'

Now I'm confused. If say Thomas IS rabbit, then how are you locked out? Unless Thomas isn't rabbit, then it shouldn't claim he could be? @_@

I frickin love that song. ❤️

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Unsure about the rewrite in regards to MC's family dynamic. I rather enjoyed the old more strained relationship with parents and the desire to get away from that. But I do like the inclusion of Uther's history with mages and how that colors MC's fears about his new spouse. 

Still, even with these changes, I love this story and look forward to more. And maybe FINALLY getting to talk to Arthur. Lol.  👍 And adopting Mordred.


haha. No biggy if not. I actually have really enjoyed it all so far. The fights, the sex, the plot...its all been really good. I was actually hoping for an update soon, so I was thrilled to see this chapter pop up on my feed. Thank you so much for this gem of a story. ^_^

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Oh my gawwwwwd... *hugs Flea furiously* He has no idea how worried he made my detective. Alex was between beating his arse for worrying him or just straight dragging him home and forcing scrambled eggs down his throat. And really, Flea, how can you believe that monster? It was already slowly ruining and killing those ppl long before Flea showed up. So no, Flea did not ruin them by being there. Plus, Alex comes pre-ruined, so its all good. *thumbs up*

And pity? Oh Flea...what detective Alex feels is far more potent and ancient.

So next chapter, we get a break from death-battles and take Flea clothes shopping, right? Right? xD (just kidding, but my secretly a mother-hen detective wants to dote over Flea even more now that he has him back)

This is amazingly good. So very sexy, but also wholesome. I adore Ignis and Griffin. They are so opposite, yet so sweet together along with the MC. And the way the three are navigating each other and their newfound throuple is so very caring and considerate.

I specially connected to Igy. I to am an introvert and I to once struggled with my own identity. Though for me, it was that I'm aroace. But I totally understand how it feels to think something might be wrong with you, but then find that there are others like you in the world, it has a name, and you're not alone. 

So I was really happy with how Griff and MC approached Ignis and were willing to let him slowly figure things out without pressure and with support. <3 

I really can't wait for me of these adorable guys. <3

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Really loved it. I'm actually wiping a few tears away at the moment, myself. My MC is such a contradiction. Gentle and charming with those he cares about, but also rather feisty and confrontational. Poor Keiran...they are about to get a fierce but loving fiance. Like...adopting a cat. Only its a human prince.

So when do we get to storm Dad's office and threaten for answers?

The Lunar King thinks I'm a little Lamb for the slaughter, but this Lamb might be his worst nightmare. =P

I see Uncle sent his spies to vote me down. Lol

Well, now I have three precious guys to play a route for. Hopefully we'll get more story content and not wait a while because of these side stories. ^^'

From what I gather, they are half-siblings with different mothers.

Yay! This definitely looks promising and I'm happy about the future options. I definitely adore Auberon. I will be his number one supporter. xD

Honestly, I'm more angry and determined to kill the Uncle then the Empire. Will the cursed royal be set as oppositie your mc's gender? I usually more a m/m player then a f/m. Just curious.

I'm really going to have to date both of these precious boys. Honestly. Though I hope going either route, you can maintain your friendship with the other. Specially don't want to lose Cyfrin. He's perfect ro material in his route, and best friend in the other. <3

I did laugh how he panicked over holding our hand, when he's hugged us twice already without warning. Like really, Cy? You've hugged me twice now, why are you freaking out over holding my hand comfortingly without permission? lol. xD

Well, not who I thought it would be. But god damn, just as good. My little half-elf is practically vibrating with happiness at the arrival of their rescuer.

If nothing else, I demand him be a lifelong friend and ally. lol

Replayed from the beginning. God this IF is such a masterpiece. As always, I'm almost more invested in just the relationship with Arthur then any ros. lol. But I did so much adore Gally and especially the dance at the end of the demo. And darn you, Gawain! You are the best/worst wingman ever. xD

I think its one of those coats with a really long coat-tail. Which...actually fits his unique flare. xD

MC: *gently lays a rug over the area* It was the tv, sir.

Landlord: And the shaking of the entire building?

MC: Well, the volume might have been a little to loud.... *scratches neck*

Landlord: *sus but MC has always been very neat, reliable, and by the book as far as a tenent goes* Just...keep it down from now on.

MC: Absolutely, sir.

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Well fffffffffffffffffuuuuu- Our poor baby Flea. My own MC is going to feel a lot of self-hatred and guilt over this. For not being stronger. For not being able to handle that wraith. For things getting out of hand like that. For putting Flea in such a situation. And for being the root cause behind Flea's newest fate. Sure, he would have missed him dearly, but he wouldn't have stopped Flea from going home. He's definitely fallen in love with Flea.

On a side note, loved all the fluff and yes! Finally bought Flea some clothes. And cooks for him. They are practically married now, whether either accepts it or not. Also loved that my MC was happy to approach and first aid despite Flea's trick being dropped. <3

Meanwhile, the landlord is started to suspect that MC is keeping some very large unauthorized dogs or something in his apartment. *sees the large gash marks in the floor* VERY large dogs.

Yay! Glad to have more. Sounds like I might replay the story from the beginning again with all the edits and changes. I do hope your hands are doing ok. Love the work that you do with this story.

Probably a book. Most likely the Lusty Argonian Maid.